Fashion is the most powerful art in the world.

French Girl,16 years old.Love Fashion and music is my life.Dream of owning a wardrobe full of designer clothing.Never fall in love.Wants to become director of human resources or international broker.Crack for male models including Mathias Lauridsen &Ash Stymesti.Is really greedy and loves to chat.Press to see her friends in September and spend an super year.Wants to return to London.Love the series like True Blood or Revenge but loves even more manga.Listen to his ipod every turn.dream of buying the French Vogue.Dislikes racists, racists, and everything to do with science or maths.Love streetstyle of Asian Bloggers.Want to do a safari.Love films like Memories of a Geisha,Two Sisters and horror movies.Not to mention I'm a big dreamer.And I am a great fool.

Ps:I take my pictures on weheartit or Tumblr.

Fashion is the most powerful art in the world.

French Girl,16 years old.Love Fashion and music is my life.Dream of owning a wardrobe full of designer clothing.Never fall in love.Wants to become director of human resources or international broker.Crack for male models including Mathias Lauridsen &Ash Stymesti.Is really greedy and loves to chat.Press to see her friends in September and spend an super year.Wants to return to London.Love the series like True Blood or Revenge but loves even more manga.Listen to his ipod every turn.dream of buying the French Vogue.Dislikes racists, racists, and everything to do with science or maths.Love streetstyle of Asian Bloggers.Want to do a safari.Love films like Memories of a Geisha,Two Sisters and horror movies.Not to mention I'm a big dreamer.And I am a great fool.

Ps:I take my pictures on weheartit or Tumblr.

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